League of Legends (LoL) Item: Malady
Total Price: 2035 | Recipe Price: 800 | Sell Price: 1425
- 25 Ability Power
- 45% Attack Speed
UNIQUE Passive: Your basic attacks deal 15 + 10% of your Ability Power as bonus magic damage. UNIQUE Passive: Your basic attacks reduce enemy Magic Resistance by 4 for 8 seconds (effect stacks up to 7 times).
(Item is unavailable for purchase)
UNIQUE Passive: Your basic attacks deal 15 + 10% of your Ability Power as bonus magic damage. UNIQUE Passive: Your basic attacks reduce enemy Magic Resistance by 4 for 8 seconds (effect stacks up to 7 times).
(Item is unavailable for purchase)
- 25 Ability Power
- 45% Attack Speed
UNIQUE Passive: Your basic attacks deal 15 + 10% of your Ability Power as bonus magic damage. UNIQUE Passive: Your basic attacks reduce enemy Magic Resistance by 4 for 8 seconds (effect stacks up to 7 times).
(Item is unavailable for purchase)
So, following this, it would be : 42 mag damage from Wit's End > 20 damage from Malady > +5 MR from Wit's End > - 6 MR from Malady
where > = Followed By