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League of Legends (LoL) Item: Malady

Total Price: 2035 | Recipe Price: 800 | Sell Price: 1425

LoL Item: Malady
  • 25 Ability Power
  • 45% Attack Speed

UNIQUE Passive: Your basic attacks deal 15 + 10% of your Ability Power as bonus magic damage. UNIQUE Passive: Your basic attacks reduce enemy Magic Resistance by 4 for 8 seconds (effect stacks up to 7 times).

(Item is unavailable for purchase)
  • 25 Ability Power
  • 45% Attack Speed

UNIQUE Passive: Your basic attacks deal 15 + 10% of your Ability Power as bonus magic damage. UNIQUE Passive: Your basic attacks reduce enemy Magic Resistance by 4 for 8 seconds (effect stacks up to 7 times).

(Item is unavailable for purchase)

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murtimuz | June 30, 2013 5:14am
You will be missed...
seare825 | June 10, 2013 4:14pm
RIP Malady...
NicknameMy (155) | May 31, 2013 7:15am
Icon outdated
JC279 (3) | January 14, 2013 11:33pm
Why is zed on the icon lol
Flozzer (5) | January 15, 2012 8:59am
Seeing as this item does magic damage, will spell vamp heal you because of it?
Fox Rage (75) | November 10, 2011 5:23pm
I'm not sure, but I believe the proc priority is : Damage > Buff > Debuff.

So, following this, it would be : 42 mag damage from Wit's End > 20 damage from Malady > +5 MR from Wit's End > - 6 MR from Malady

where > = Followed By
snakeman830 (10) | November 10, 2011 5:19pm
Does anyone know if the MR reduction happens before or after the magic damage? Likewise, does it proc before or after other items like Wit's End??
koyi | June 17, 2011 3:27am
it's suck when i was using ninja champion!
zelkar (1) | January 28, 2011 5:56am
hmm....i think it evened the field and gave master yi a bit of a power down. that was a nice thing. it does also give many other champions something new to look at, like teemo.
Mastarwe (41) | December 27, 2010 3:23pm
This item is as great for teemo as it was before, just go with a different build now. AP/AS is the way to go :)
papachopchop | December 25, 2010 7:52pm
agreed it isn't the team helper it used to be, however, for champion like ezreal and kennen.... i believe it helps to set your enemy up for death while you autoattack waiting for your cd's....
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