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League of Legends (LoL) Question: The way CDR works

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  • orrvaa

    The way CDR works

    Hello, I have some questions about CDR:
    1) Is CDR include passive CD for champions that have CD on passive, like Akali, Poppy and so on
    2) Does CDR worth less I level my ability?, if I have ability with 10 sec CD on level 1 and 5 sec CD on level 5, does the CDR go down from the 10 sec CD or the current CD.
    For example:
    10% CDR for 10 sec = 1
    10% CDR for 5 sec =0.5

    So if my ability have current 5 sec CD it should be 4 or 4.5?

  • Answers (2)

    KajiKumihoAkukei (140) | April 24, 2018 1:05am
    Just additional information, in case you come into this in the future.
    In the new runes system you can take a rune in the Sorcery tree called The Ultimate Hat.

    The idea behind this rune is that it lowers the cooldown on you ultimate ability.
    In the explanation of the rune it says the cooldown is reduced up to 15%, but you need to know that this isn't the actual amount your cooldown will decrease if you have any other forms of cooldown reduction. The cooldown reduction of The Ultimate Hat stacks multiplicative with the cooldown you already have.

    To put this in easier words:
    • If you have 0% cooldown reduction from other sources The Ultimate Hat gives you 15% cooldown reduction on your ultimate ability.
    • If you have 40% cooldown reduction from other sources, you can reduce the cooldown of your ultimate ability up to 49% with The Ultimate Hat fully stacked, meaning you only get 9% actual cooldown reduction from the rune.
    • Combined with Cosmic Insight in the Inspiration tree, you can increase the cooldown of your ultimate ability to 53.25%. Meaning you get an actual cooldown reduction of 8.25% from the rune itself.

      I hope this explanation helps you understand CDR a bit more in the new runes system. ^^
    orrvaa (41) | April 24, 2018 10:59am
    Thanks know this kind of thing from the old system, didn't know it works that way with this rune too, good to know :-)
    KajiKumihoAkukei (140) | April 25, 2018 2:00am
    No problem, glad I could help! :)
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    L3gislacerator (49) | April 23, 2018 2:05pm
    1) No, CDR only affects abilities.
    2) It would be 4.5 seconds since CDR considers the current cooldown.

    Hope this helped :)
    orrvaa (41) | April 23, 2018 10:27pm
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