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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Hybrid or magic pen?

Posted in Runes | Tags: Muramana 16,011

  • DKitten

    Hybrid or magic pen?

    Greater Mark of Hybrid Penetration
    .9 armor pen / .62 magic pen
    Total: 8.1 armor pen / 5.58 magic pen

    Greater Mark of Magic Penetration
    .87 magic pen
    Total: 7.83 magic pen

    So it's a difference of 2 magic pen, which is somewhat significant early game, but really falls off late. Wouldn't I rather have the 8.1 armor pen on a mage to make last-hitting easier in order to be able to snowball better? Is it something I should take for all mages, or mages that use autos as part of their combo, like Lux and Fizz?
  • Answers (3)

    FalseoGod (316) | April 5, 2013 7:35pm
    There are champs that can clearly use this well, specially versus opponents with less specialized runepages. Specifically, a lot of mids do not carry armor versus other APCs, so I always take hybrid pen runes on Swain, Diana, Lux, nidalee], [[kennen and Orianna.
    FalseoGod (316) | April 6, 2013 1:09pm
    Swain: Auto-attack after Torment is part of his harass (augmented AD damage) and helps him farm.
    Diana: Has passive AS and autos are part of her burst
    Lux: Stronger damage on-passive hit
    Nidalee: ultimate and pre-6 harass;
    Kennen: W harass;
    Orianna: Clockwork Windup;
    Annie: 650 range;
    Akali: auto is part of her burst;
    Kayle: Righteous Fury;
    Elise: not sure, but her ultimate as well?
    Fizz: W passive, autos to hurt;
    Twisted Fate; W passive
    Teemo: autos are part of the burst

    I guess these would be the ones to use them better?
    Meiyjhe (539) | April 5, 2013 5:25am
    8,1 ArP + 5,58 MPen vs 7,83 MPen

    2 MPen, which means you need to cast spells which cost precious mana and CD vs 8,1 ArP which means you need to auto attack which costs no mana and no CD.

    Early game, auto attacks are OP, which gives you free poke power.
    Late game, MPen is better since you will cast more spells than auto attack.

    But, we are speaking about 2 MPen here, which will probably equal less than 1% more damage done.
    And 8,1 ArP which equals probably around 5% damage done early game.

    I think the choice is clear.
    Though, hybrid marks are twice as expensive as normal MPen marks :P
    Satella (177) | April 5, 2013 9:01am
    I've run into Annie players who run 26/0/4 masteries, hybrid pen runes, or just ****ing start with 15 AD and they absolutely **** on the opponent with those 650 range autoattacks early game. Zilean might benefit from it too.

    Katarina doesn't really want to autoattack harass even if she Es to the enemy because of the nerfs to her W and E buff durations makes it much harder to get out if you waste precious time squeezing in an AA.
    sirell (400) | April 5, 2013 7:18am
    Hybrid Pens are good for Akali, but I have difficulty thinking of any other mids that might put it to good use. Katarina maybe? Mage Miss Fortune?
    OTGBionicArm (415) | April 5, 2013 6:14am
    Auto attacks are part of Taric's burst. Lol. He can use Hpen if he wants to. Although his burst does drop armor innately and if it's at mid, casters generally dont even have armor... so not sure, but my logic says there isnt much user for the armor pen at that point.
    Meiyjhe (539) | April 5, 2013 6:09am
    If you do not auto attack, might aswell get full MPen.

    With a champ like Ahri, you should be able to AA though.
    With Taric, the AA would be minimal :P

    But like I said, hybrid marks cost twice as much, so if your not gonna AA, it is a real waste of your IP
    DKitten (78) | April 5, 2013 5:47am
    Pffft, my partner was saying to only use MPen.

    Then again, his mid is Ahri, whereas mine tends to be Lux or Taric.
    Meiyjhe (539) | April 5, 2013 5:38am
    Better use it for AP champs that can poke easily with AA though.

    So not for Gragas or Kassadin :P
    ShortyHUN (40) | April 5, 2013 4:33pm
    I think they cost too much compared to ArPen and MPen runes, you should focus on your main damage source in my opinion. Wouldn't even run it on mixed dmg champs... Flat penetration runes only have real effect if they are supported with the same type of penetration from items, otherwise they fall off
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