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League of Legends (LoL) Question: AP Mid Miss Fortune?

Posted in Champions | Tags: Miss Fortune 4,801

  • Everglaid

    AP Mid Miss Fortune?

    I do realize that currently MF is played as an adc, but wouldn't it be more beneficial to play AP?

    She scales off AP on her W, E and R, while AD only scales on her Q and R. Playing her in the mid lane would also net her a solo lane's income.
  • Answers (4)

    mastrer1000 (134) | December 30, 2013 1:54pm
    Janitsu (569) | December 31, 2013 12:49pm

    it's awesome, ignore my answer.
    Bokonon (3) | December 31, 2013 12:05pm
    How can he change camera angle and position like that?
    Janitsu (569) | December 31, 2013 9:16am

    dat leg doe
    Janitsu (569) | December 30, 2013 1:19pm
    Well, her Q and R directly scale from AD but her W kinda does, too because it gives attack speed.

    Her AP scaling on her ultimate is also lower than the AP scaling and the scaling on her E isn't too amazing unless the enemy stays in the area for the full time.
    Pluckin Penguin (117) | December 30, 2013 2:20pm
    Meiyjhe is completely correct.
    Meiyjhe (539) | December 30, 2013 1:51pm
    The problem isn't the scaling, it is the type of damage. Keep in mind that AP is way easier to get than bonus AD, but the fact that it deals physical damage instead of magical damage makes penetrating the enemies harder as an AP MF :3

    Also another main source of AP MF's damage is the auto attacks due to her W. But if you want to auto attack, might as well go AD :P
    Kaggboer2012 (19) | December 30, 2013 1:49pm
    so the ap scaling is lower than the ap scaling? tell me more pls
    sirell (400) | January 1, 2014 6:29am
    Q and R deal physical damage, which means that they need ArmPen to have any real effect later on in the game. W also requires autoattacks to proc and also scales with AD since you get an AS buff.

    E is the only realistic AP option, but even then it's not very effective - why? Because it kills your mana bar early on and you kill off every other ability, since their damage scales better with AD and requires ArmPen to be effective.

    80% AP ratio is nice, but 5% is pretty ****ty per autoattack and you require ArmPen for everything else, not to mention that AP Miss Fortune would be fairly awkward to efficiently itemize for that it just makes no sense to play AP compared to AD.
    Thatdudeinthecotton (66) | December 30, 2013 1:08pm
    She can play ap mid as well. I believe there's a guide up somewhere on the site for that play style.
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