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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Best role low elo

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    Best role low elo

    I'm bronze 4 in solo. My lose ratio has been really high recently, i most of the times blame my defeats for the other teammates but sometimes i do bad games too. Altough I am a jungle main I decided to go "Fill" and try out the different roles to try to spice up the demoralizing games, for example at the moment i enjoy playing support more than jungle. I still lose a lot of games due to other teammates mistakes and going support doesnt help me get more wins since even if i play well, I still need the adc to be at least good at farming. I would like to climb as fast as possible to at least bronze 1, in hope to find better teams and enjoy a real game of league of legends.
    Finally the question: I would like to have any suggestions on champs that I can solo carry with not caring about all the inters and stuff. I am able to play almost all kind of champs except adcarries, which is my least favourite role. Feel free to leave any suggestion or recommend any guide here on mobafire, or even insult me because I blame my team when i lose :P
  • Answers (1)

    RaizenKurogane | April 7, 2020 1:57am
    Well, even if fed adcs are almost useless because an assassin can shut them down in 0.5 sec.. toplane is bad rn, you mostly won't have an impact unless you are able to help your team by roaming, securing herald, getting enemy jng camps and taking drakes/towers, also helping other lanes. I'd say your best choiches would be mid or jungle imho, as a jungler you have the potential to carry a game alone IF you are able to take objectives and help lanes out..
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