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League of Legends (LoL) Question: blue circle at the right side of display screen above map (loading display


  • epicmarketer

    blue circle at the right side of display screen above map (loading display

    due to the fact a week i have a permanent blue circle on the proper side display screen above map. it happens handiest at some point of the loading display screen & in recreation. i have completely uninstalled league (additionally with ccleaner and eliminating the folders in c://) and reinstalled. nevertheless, this blue circle is there. also the hextech restore tool isn't always showing some thing suspicious. does every body understand this blue circle, or recognise how to resolve/put off it? thank you earlier!
  • Answers (1)

    Tauricus2017 (120) | April 19, 2020 10:47pm
    Sadly, I have no solution for this problem :/
    However I know how to make it easier for other people to understand it (because I quite didn't get it). I recommend you to make a screenshot and then just paste it to and send as the link or the image itself, so it is easier for others to understand the problem and find a solution. Good luck!
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