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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Can't Find My Guide On Lists

Posted in General | Tags: Yorick 3,792

  • Hogopogo

    Can't Find My Guide On Lists

    Err I just released a new guide a few days ago. I realized that I cannot find it on the Yorick Guide lists. I copy and pasted all of the words and it was over 5000 words so I'm not sure what happened. People can only see it if I give them the link. Help.
  • Answers (2)

    PHELYP | March 6, 2013 2:45am
    I posted a volibear guide and i went to look for it i cannot see it in the list anywhere, i put it on ideal jsut like mine is, i put it on fresh cos i just made it, but it doesnt show up. I made it yesterday and only 2 view so far , is it cos there are too many voli guides?
    DontSuePplPanda (6) | February 14, 2013 2:24am
    Hey Hogopogo, I can see your guide (Yorick - Undertaking the Top Lane) just fine. It shows in the Leagee of Legend build guides section of this website, as well as on your profile. I wouldn't worry?
    Hogopogo (157) | February 14, 2013 3:02am
    o_o o derp.. I was kinda scared because my brother couldn't see it :(
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