Add the link to your preferred video and change the values to what you prefer. You can choose to have enable auto-play and looping with the code above, but feel free to remove them if you like. You can also adjust the size by using the width= and height= codes.
Thank you a lot! I will use it as soon as possible ;D, one more question now that the judging period has started , can i still make changes to my guides?
You can make changes, but keep in mind that it's not guaranteed that they will get judged in time. The judges might get to your guide, and could have already judged it before you've finished the changes you wanted.
Well i wanted to make some changes, but i thought it wasnt allowed, but ok now i know! Thanks, althought i dont care about them being judged, i just wanted to make the guide better!
It's definitely allowed to change your guide however much you want, as it's your guide. But if you want to win the contest then it's better to get all changes done before the contest ends so that you won't have to worry about changes you make not being seen by the judges during the judging period.
Add the link to your preferred video and change the values to what you prefer. You can choose to have enable auto-play and looping with the code above, but feel free to remove them if you like. You can also adjust the size by using the width= and height= codes.