League of Legends (LoL) Question: Countering Olaf
Posted in Champions

Countering Olaf
I have real problems when playing against olaf top. He can harass hard when going to last hit as melee, and then I just get outfarmed. SO it doesn't seem like melee is the key. He just have to farm well and he can tower dive me at lvl 6. Because of ulti it doesn't help with hard cc either.
Is ranged champs with high monility the key? I could need some tips :)
Thx :)
Is ranged champs with high monility the key? I could need some tips :)
Thx :)
Most ranged characters with some mobility? Check.
Renekton? Double check. Easy win.
Riven? More or less. Very aggressive play is rewarded, so that all-in at lv2 is almost mandatory. If he's ahead by lv9 he will utterly destroy you. Late-game not so much.
Jax? Early on it's an equal lane with both being weak. Abuse passive and avoid trading too much. Until lv11 Olaf has the upper hand, from my experience. He can just spam his E on top of yours, ulti the stun and finish you off with high damage and sustain. His early Negatron and Doran's Shield will trouble you. From then on, Jax does his thing and outscales him hard. HARD.
Rengar? Check with a caveat. He can play passively and bait you under tower or wait for jungler to engage, farming safely because he drew you away from bushes. If he goes aggressive you can win most trades.