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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Created a guide, can't edit it


  • tobbtobbler

    Created a guide, can't edit it


    I'm not sure if I'm asking in the right place, but I created a guide and it's listed under a Guest account, inhibiting me from editing it. The guide is here (

    I looked up the issue and apparently it can get assigned to my account - where would I request that, if not here? Thank you in advance.
  • Answers (2)

    Addie_Kellett | November 18, 2021 3:26am
    nice guide!
    Hades4u (564) | October 13, 2021 3:23am
    Hello @ tobbtobbler!

    I've assigned the build to your account. Have fun! 😊
    skreeoce | October 25, 2021 9:39pm
    Hello I am having this same issue. When I hit save I preferred only having a saved option vs a published option. I would like to edit my builds and save progress on them before actually posting them entirely. Can you please assign my guides I have made to me? @ Hades4u
    Hades4u (564) | October 25, 2021 11:44pm
    Hello @ skreeoce! I can do that if you tell me which guides you made. 😁
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