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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Grievous wounds and resurrections


  • Hamstertamer

    Grievous wounds and resurrections

    How does grievous wounds interact with resurrection abilities?

    If you hit a champion under Chronoshift, World Ender, or Guardian Angel with grievous wounds, do they revive with less health?
  • Answers (2)

    Pure Panphobia (33) | August 8, 2018 9:09pm
    I'm pretty sure the answer is no. Even with World Ender, a resurrection removes debuffs such as grievous wounds on activation.
    orrvaa (41) | July 16, 2018 3:00am
    from a little research in google, it should work, just pay attention that GA and chronoshift give all the HP at once, so only if the debuff is on while the resurrect it works, chronoshift takes 5 sec, while the longest Grievous Wounds you can apply is 5 sec.

    It should work only on GA and Aatrox ult

    Edit: red things are not accurate see comments below
    Hamstertamer (74) | July 16, 2018 3:07am
    The Chronoshift buff lasts 5 seconds, but the resurrection itself only takes 2 seconds.

    Okay, so Mortal Reminder, which applies GW for 5 seconds, counters the heal from all these forms of resurrection, right?
    While Morellonomicon, which applies GW for 3 seconds, counters only Zilean ult?
    orrvaa (41) | July 16, 2018 3:18am
    true, my mistake.

    Morellonomicon still counter Aatrox ult as it healing over time.
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