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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Hallowed Mist bug?

Posted in Champions | Tags: Gwen 2,767

  • NathanaelKH

    Hallowed Mist bug?

    I have been finding some people ingame that just ignores the mist, for example: Yesterday i went mid (cause my team partner went top), my lane enemy was a Seraphine, i tought that was going to be an easy matchup, cause sera's a ranged champ, and my mist was going to protect me. But every attack from her hits me, every time. And yes, she was outside the mist, so my question: Is there an item that prevents the mist from working? It was a bug? Thats not the only time, it happens more times with different champs
  • Answers (3)

    | May 23, 2023 11:52am
    Happened to me a couple of days ago, a Vayne kept hitting me when I was in my mist, guess it is some kind of a bug but a very serious one as it lost me a couple of trades. I don't believe it is about items, maybe runes or the timing of the ability?
    NathanaelKH | May 24, 2023 12:20pm
    It happened to me a lot of times, on LoL and on Wild Rift.
    Like, i'm using Zeri, and me and a Ahri started a fight against the Enemy Jungle Gwen. I know an ADC never ever has to be close to the enemy, but Gwen came by surprise, so i was like body to body fighting her, she activeted her mist and even when i was inside of it i couldnt make any damage. When the mist was over, Ahri tried to enchant her, but again, 0 damage. Maybe is a bug with an item
    daylambanhngonhcm | January 26, 2024 5:59pm
    This is a new bug?? Yesterday I play Ahri, a creep kept hitting me when I was in my mist. I dont know what happend, but now you raise it up, I think it is 1 new bug!!
    cookieclickeraz | July 17, 2023 2:07am
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