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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Headhunter Rengar or Night Hunter Rengar

Tags: Rengar 23,539

  • LevasK

    Headhunter Rengar or Night Hunter Rengar

    So, which skin do you think is better, or which one do you prefer?
  • Answers (4)

    League of Mike (5) | March 25, 2015 8:59pm
    I only think I've seen one lcs game with rengar that didn't use night hunter...I personally like the idea behind night hunter but headhunter isn't bad at all. I think why rengar is so good is because hes the one champion that REALLY causes terror :P when ever you see the "!" you get a cold fist on your heart and you know youre done for...I think night hunter emphasizes this.
    mjskid (12) | April 2, 2015 11:56am
    Foxy Riven (129) | March 31, 2015 10:40am
    That's like choosing between Predator or a hobo. Headhunter Rengar all the way.
    I never liked Night Hunter Rengar because of the rags he's wearing and the blue color that's a bit too bright. It seems as if they finished it in a hurry.
    The Predator theme just fits him way better anyway.
    emoriam (287) | March 25, 2015 10:22am
    personally I'd say Headhunter

    Battle Roar looks pretty cool and the overall colour scheme/look fits better to the champion's character from my point of view
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