Help me decide :c?
Asked by iSparklez on March 30, 2013
Hey there I was wondering if you guys could help me out with a decision, I have enough IP to purchase one champion and I've been really interested in
Fizz and
Viktor but now I can't decide on which one can anyone lend me a hand?
But for serious, let's analyse them:
* Fizz is a snowballer, that means if he does well early game, he will dominate late game. But it also means that if he sucks early game, he has no chance of doing good. High risk pick.
* Viktor is very underused, that alone makes him interesting :D He is a strong pick, has CC and high damage output, though, can also be found a bit dull imo
* Ahri is a good pick, CC, sustain, mobility, but still other champions are stronger at the moment. She has still a good damage output nevertheless.
* Diana can be played in the jungle, on the top lane and in the mid lane, that means in the matchmaking, you have 60% that you are allowed to play Diana, yippy! She is a bit more tanky than she is a real burst, but nevertheless, she still does some nice damage :D
Hope this helped :D
Diana definitively, she just does everything the other 3 can do way better. Ive been playing her before nerfs that didnt touch her at all but Ult range and shes so much of a reliable mid, she can snowball hard and roam fairly easy while being able to be mid/top and scary in the jungle with very strong ganks.
Still though takes a while to use abilities properly espccialy her Crescent Strike and Moonfall
Viktor no range
Fizz only singular burst
For a serious answer I'd say Diana as she currently best fits the meta and is versatile.
Viktor is a damn intresting champ, really liked when he was free. Had no problem with the range, but yea the cooldowns...
Ahri and Fizz are good, but seeing so many noobs with them lately :(. I don't think they are as weak as most say, maybe just harder to play good.
Ahri is a good choice b/c she's very mobile post-6. I wouldn't take Fizz at all until the meta becomes more opportune for him. Diana is a steady choice if you can learn her crescent slash.