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League of Legends (LoL) Question: How to play yasuo?

Posted in Champions | Tags: Yasuo 5,402

  • 013black

    How to play yasuo?

    iam a newplayer. but not good in yasuo. any suggestions to make it better ?
  • Answers (6)

    Fruxo (334) | November 21, 2019 5:37am
    Reading guides on Yasuo which you can find here, watching about his gameplay/matchups etc from other high elo yasuo players on youtube who have already played his matchups or watching other people play him for example are all good ways of getting better on him.
    DasGrauen_ (6) | December 16, 2019 4:04am
    Even if people just tell you how to play.. Theres no way you will master him without +200game experience.. Just play him. You will int a lot for the start.. But after a few games you should get better at him.
    Prate_k (24) | November 28, 2019 3:47pm
    When you pick up yasuo, focus on farming and getting that IE and shiv item damage spike. Then just remember to press R on knockups etc. But you probably shouldn't be the one engaging, wait for a distraction or a bait from your team if you must. If you fall behind, split push safely to get to the item power spikes. I don't play yasuo, but this is what i've noticed or seems to happen often.
    mohamedahwolf | November 24, 2019 7:28am
    Just kidding you better watch people who play the champion because he needs more experience than knowledge. I recommend watching yassuo(stream or youtube) or LIDER (He doesn't stream much but worth watching and he is a pro player 2019 MSF Midlaner at LEC).
    Pay attention on how they manage the wave it's a big part of yasuo because of the E, also don't be afraid to take risk but don't take a BLIND RISK, you will have a bad kda anyway even faker has :)
    overall you are playing a melee adc without sup but worth learning you can play top, mid, adc (plz dont play yasuo jungle).
    Hrypex | November 21, 2019 4:55am
    Dont play Yasuo, bro.
    013black (1) | November 21, 2019 5:23am
    got blood moon ys skin permanently. so it would a waste if i dont try it
    BIG1ROBBY2DON (6) | December 9, 2019 9:59am
    Farm and play with your jungler, Yasuo has very good engage if there is a minion wave for him to dash too. Make sure you always ward and know the enemy jungler's location because Yasuo is a melee and so he needs to move up to push or take cs, he has a very bad escape if he has no minions to dash to so play safe and ward. If your jungler is somewhat near, you can move up but just care for potentially a camp.
    Once you get to mid-game without feeding hopefully, you can practically 1 v 2 if you land your tornadoes and all the q's. Group with your team and try not to get caught.
    You really learn a lot from others and don't forgot about PRACTICE TOOL!
    Good Luck
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