League of Legends (LoL) Question: How to Preseason 5 Jungle?
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Hunter's Machete
Jarvan IV
Lee Sin
Xin Zhao

How to Preseason 5 Jungle?
Hello, I haven't truly jangled and known completely what I was doing since season 1, I have been forced into it and have done mediocre at best but this season I would like to be more useful when I get stuck in the only role I don't know how top play.
Where is the best place to start? Is it still Blue for the mana and Red for the manaless?
Is there any other place to start then Red and Blue?
With the new jungle and items, when is the most appropriate time/level to gank?
Assuming I start with Machete and two pots, do I rush the new smite items or grab something in between?
What is your jungle tier list?
Thanks in advance for any information you can provide.
Where is the best place to start? Is it still Blue for the mana and Red for the manaless?
Is there any other place to start then Red and Blue?
With the new jungle and items, when is the most appropriate time/level to gank?
Assuming I start with Machete and two pots, do I rush the new smite items or grab something in between?
What is your jungle tier list?
Thanks in advance for any information you can provide.
From what I can tell you still want to start the buff that's closest to your bottom lane (Red buff when you are Blue side; Blue buff when you are Purple side).This however is not set in stone and can vary depending on stuff like :
Some people have been experimenting with start at Gromp or Krugs, but I think that you should always start at a Buff.
It's very hard to say for certain as I mentioned it depends on what's going in the game, but I think that you should 1st look at your health and position of your lanes (if they are pushing/being pushed in, how much health they/their opponent(s) have) and then decide, if you want to gank, but I've seen people doing both level 3 and level 4 ganks, so decide for yourself.
In my opinion you should always rush the
Personally I don't have a tier list, but here's a link to a thread that might help you with that. From what I've seen/tested myself I think that
Once I get more time with the new jungle I will be able to answer your questions better, but here's a link to the Season 5 Jungle Discussion thread, you might find some useful information there and good luck in the new jungle.
This allows me to get a speedy level 2, as it's faster to clear Gromp or Krugs than the buffs; and it gives me a nice smite bonus effect to help my clears.
Optimally; tanky champs or champs with clear with spells more than auto-attacks will start at Gromp. I find the poison armor to help speed up my first clear and be able to gank faster.
However, with auto-attack based champs i find that the smite bonus on krugs (the periodic stun off of your basic attacks) is best for clearing the jungle quickly and without taking too much damage. When starting Krugs, I tend to skip red buff at first and clear raptors, Then, once my smite is back up, I will clear red and smite it to get the 20% of my max health heal. This allows me to either gank immediately with plenty of HP, or to clear the rest of the jungle with ease
My favourite Junglers right now are Rammus,Lee and shen and they sustained quite well. I also enyojed playing Nunu but i haven´t played him that often but i also think that he is good.
Even junglers that use mana such as
From what i was observing in pro level (before all this lane swap ******** started happening) junglers were starting whichever buff was opposite the first lane they wanted to gank/counter gank, usually that was the buff near bottom lane to gank/counter gank top lane.
As for the new season I don't know, try some stuff and see how it works, think about whether you need to farm or gank and get the right smite for the job. see what champions are good and what aren't. do you want to invade? what enchantment should you get? all of these are situational to each and every game and you won't learn it just by asking some people. Yes it helps but sometimes you need to figure some stuff out for yourself.