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League of Legends (LoL) Question: I need some AP Trynda tips

Posted in Champions | Tags: Tryndamere 4,100

  • Tatticadanit0

    I need some AP Trynda tips

    Hi guys i have already posted another question about AP Tryndamere but this time the question is "how can i carry my team with ap trynda ?" cause i always do good in lane but my team lose the lane so how can i try to carry my team ? maybe perma splitpush ? or i initiate teamfight so i can tank all the damage with my ulti ?
    Thanks for the upcoming answer.
    P.S. sorry for my bad english :P
  • Answers (1)

    Nighthawk (684) | March 26, 2013 1:52pm
    just splitpush 100% of the time, before the nerfs you could just 1v5, but now you probs can't unless you have full fury bar or something. but yeah just splitpush all day, pretend you're a melee nid or w/e.
    Pluckin Penguin (117) | March 26, 2013 4:01pm
    Agreed. You do a lot of sustained damage as AP Tryndamere and not much burst. However, you can out trade almost anyone in lane once you have Bloodlust maxed out. Thus, split-pushing with AP Tryndamere is very strong, but if the teamfight is very close to you (you are at bot, teamfight is at mid) go and help.
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