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League of Legends (LoL) Question: I want to learn VAYNE

Posted in Champions 5,629

  • danylp88

    I want to learn VAYNE

    Hello everyone , my name is Daniel and I want to learn a new champion and her name is Vayne. I had some good matches but I am aware that I have a lot to learn. What are the best runes and builds for her ?
  • Answers (3)

    LostFishEU (2) | April 18, 2020 3:44am
    I don't want to sound shameless but if you want you could check out my guide on her, i wrote everything in details. Also, feel free to DM me or add me ingame for questions about Vayne. I have been playing her for 3 years and hit Grandmaster with her, let me know :p
    RaizenKurogane | April 7, 2020 1:52am
    Check the website for optimal runes and builds. I'm not an adc main but when I have to play vayne I usually go with pta because it's good added to the w passive. Also, to be a nice vayne you have to learn her win condition, which is basically positioning so that you can always stun your enemies.
    orrvaa (41) | April 4, 2020 4:15am
    you should try look at guides on this site, youtube streamers or in
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