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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Inspiration?

Posted in Runes 1,469

  • BlackRoseGirl


    So... what is up with Omni-stone? Are there any champions that actually do well with it? I can think of quite a few champions that did well with kleptomancy and I really don’t see why it was replaced. The Domination and Precision paths both have 4 keystones, why not the same for inspiration? Also, who all uses Unsealed Spellbook?
  • Answers (2)

    ER1KLB | April 22, 2020 2:08pm
    Omni-stone is not a really good rune to be honest, only for champion who can be tanky and deal damage at the same time. Klepto was more useful ...
    Unsealed Spellbook is really strong, but you need to really understand your champion, analyse the situation AND choose the right summoner spell, so it's not great for beginners.
    LostFishEU (2) | April 18, 2020 3:28am
    Yeahhh I feel like omni-stone is even more awkward than Klepto. My duo support used to play with Omni-stone but it was a bit trolly to be honest. It feels legit like the inspiration is a troll rune tree. I do however like the idea of a more utility rune page instead of just a damage one, but it didn't really end up working. Either they can buff it or just leave it, I don't see a lot of use in them...
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