League of Legends (LoL) Question: Irelia Jungle?
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Irelia Jungle?
So, I have been wondering, has anyone ever tried Irelia jungle? Her kit seems like it would fit in quite nicely with the jungler meta.
Her Q is a gap closer, albeit at a shorter range then others. Her W gives decent sustain while also dealing true damage (which, if I remeber, is highly efficient on minions and monsters), and her E is a slow, but can also act like a stun.
I would think building Feral Flare would work great on her. You could also go full damage, or kind of an off tank. If you want damage, go Tri Force, BotRK, Zephyr, Mobility Boots, and then a defensive item like Gaurdian Angel or Banshee's Veil.
If you wantan off tank, go Tri Force, Sunfire Cape, Spirit Visage, Mobility Boots, and then another defensive item to counter the other team's main damage type.
What do you guys think?
Her Q is a gap closer, albeit at a shorter range then others. Her W gives decent sustain while also dealing true damage (which, if I remeber, is highly efficient on minions and monsters), and her E is a slow, but can also act like a stun.
I would think building Feral Flare would work great on her. You could also go full damage, or kind of an off tank. If you want damage, go Tri Force, BotRK, Zephyr, Mobility Boots, and then a defensive item like Gaurdian Angel or Banshee's Veil.
If you wantan off tank, go Tri Force, Sunfire Cape, Spirit Visage, Mobility Boots, and then another defensive item to counter the other team's main damage type.
What do you guys think?
Because of her W mot scaling with anything, you need to abuse the power spike from level ~7 up to the end of mid game which is hard to do in the jungle. Not to forget she needs a
TLDR: You can jungle her but its a complete waste of her potential.
Plus the clear would be really slow as she has no aoe