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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Is Ezreal really that bad?

Posted in Champions | Tags: Ezreal 4,632

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    Is Ezreal really that bad?

    Just to clarify, this is in high silver - low gold.
    Recently when playing ranked, I see a lot of people hating on Ezreal, saying how he is **** and don't provide anything to a teamfight. If I didn't remember wrongly,they went along the lines where his global is garbage compared to Jinx's, his poke is terrible compared to Cait and his potential to actually carry a fight is low compared to Vayne.

    i don't play ADC and when I do, I just play Draven, so I'm just asking about people's opinions. Mayb one from high elo if possible, too.
  • Answers (2)

    PsiGuard (1495) | August 21, 2016 4:10pm
    Ezreal's fine right now. He's a really safe scaling ADC, so his impact isn't as apparent early in the game compared to stronger laners like Caitlyn. Once you have Muramana though, he starts dealing a ton of damage.

    I'd rate him pretty high compared to a lot of ADCs, a little below the really strong/popular picks (Jhin, Ashe, Sivir). Maybe just below Caitlyn.
    Embracing (353) | August 21, 2016 6:12pm

    he's probably right below the tier 1 meta picks (jhin ashe twitch sivir)
    Ekki (86) | August 20, 2016 7:45am
    He's probably on the lower half of the adc tier list but he's still decent (i.e. playable). Caring Getting mad* at people who pick slightly subpar champions in silver/gold is just pedantic. If you play better with Ezreal than with any higher win % adc you'll still probably win more sticking with him.

    *EDITED: Caring about slightly subpar champions can be useful in every elo. It's just that in lower elos you will get much more improvement out of polishing mechanics/strategy/knowledge than from only sticking to strong picks. **** picks can still affect your performance though (I think Azir and Ryze have around 42% win rate in bronze/silver/gold).
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