League of Legends (LoL) Question: Kled Tips?
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Kled Tips?
Kled is one of those problem champions for me. I know how to build him more or less but it doesn't work that good in game. I've checked the guides here but I saw some are pretty outdated.
I know Kled's thing is to clear the enemy wave, and when the enemy is alone, jump in with Q->E and auto attacks to proc W. Problem is, I usually take a lot of damage, to the point where I lose Skaarl and have to rebuild courage to bring him back. My most recent experiences with Kled were vs a Maokai and a Gangplank. The Maokai matchup went so so, he jumped me when he got the chance and I almost could not out-damage him but he couldn't kill me either. The GP matchup went a bit better, he was nervous so after dodging his barrels, I could jump in and make him waste Q and W and still come out on top. Any tips as to how to trade effectively with Kled will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
I know Kled's thing is to clear the enemy wave, and when the enemy is alone, jump in with Q->E and auto attacks to proc W. Problem is, I usually take a lot of damage, to the point where I lose Skaarl and have to rebuild courage to bring him back. My most recent experiences with Kled were vs a Maokai and a Gangplank. The Maokai matchup went so so, he jumped me when he got the chance and I almost could not out-damage him but he couldn't kill me either. The GP matchup went a bit better, he was nervous so after dodging his barrels, I could jump in and make him waste Q and W and still come out on top. Any tips as to how to trade effectively with Kled will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.