League of Legends (LoL) Question: Maxing E on Irelia?
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Maxing E on Irelia?
I've just wondered about maxing
Equilibrium Strike (E) first on
Irelia and follow up with maxing
Hiten Style (W) which is generally maxed out first.
I've just heard about maxing E first in Krepo's stream as he was saying that players at Worlds tended to do so.

I've just heard about maxing E first in Krepo's stream as he was saying that players at Worlds tended to do so.
Maxing W is pretty fantastic for both the trading as well as the sustain it gives. 75 true damage for free is insane, and I believe it's 13 health just for basic attacking? That's pretty ridiculous.
Just look at your lane match-up, really. If it's someone you're expecting to get into a lot of fights with and they can easily reengage on you, say, Fiora or Gnar (or a lot of the top lane champions to be honest), then max W. Fantastic trading potential and fantastic sustain for after the fights. I'd also recommend you max it for lane match-ups which you can win with relative ease, since you can very easily bully people out with this.
Maxing E really would just be if you're expecting someone to engage onto you a lot, but you can't really expect to win it. Someone with really strong early game potential, think, I dunno, Jayce I suppose.
Personally, I still like W over E. If you max E, too much is just centered on that one ability, and you lose most of your lane pressure as well as options as to what you can do.
Maxing W first is pretty much always optimal 1v1, as usual.
Having said that, I can definitely see how the increased duration (2 seconds at max rank instead of 1) and increased damage (goes up by 50 per rank) could make it a very strong ability to max first, especially against (ranged) champions who can kite well (as utopus mentioned).
I still need to check whether it was considered standard during Worlds or whether it was only done in specific matchups, can get back to you once I know more if you want.
I guess I could also see maxing equilibrium strike vs champions that can kite you well, like