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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Pantheon build

Tags: Pantheon 5,639

  • ImperadorCao

    Pantheon build

    I wonder if it's best to start doing DRAKTHARR TWILIGHT or YOUMUU GHOST SLIP to Pantheon. And if the Cleaver is still viable for him.
  • Answers (3)

    ObiW (6) | August 19, 2019 6:50am
    Duskblade of Draktharr is only viable if you are go with Electrocute. Since his sustained damage is far superior than old Pantheon, you’ll want to run Conqueror over Electrocute for most cases.
    utopus (313) | August 5, 2017 12:26pm
    I believe that Youmuu's Ghostblade into Black Cleaver is the standard build for Pantheon.

    I can't see anything wrong with going Youmuu's Ghostblade into Duskblade of Draktharr into Black Cleaver though.
    ImperadorCao | August 5, 2017 6:37pm
    Thanks ! :D
    oWMellow (8) | August 5, 2017 4:54am
    Hi! I´m not a top laner main but I thinkl that it would depend on the matchup. If you´re ahead I think that Drakhtar is the best item because it will help you to get more early kills (Panth is an early champion) but in the case that the matchup is kinda hard or you get camped I would recomend to take the Yoummu´s because it would save you more than once and the CD of this item is´nt very longer (about 50 secs) so you can come back to lane fastest and avoid a hard push for your enemies. This item helps you a lot to roam combined with his ult, so, summarizing, I think that it depends A LOT in the matchup and in your playstyle ^^ Hope I could help you a bit!
    ImperadorCao | August 5, 2017 12:24pm
    Thanks ! :D
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