As some one who used to main Rengar top I can tell you it's pretty strong. Your level 2 all in is one of the scariest things in the game. But the thing is people learned how to play against him. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it's not viable it certainly is. If you get first blood and get ahead you could do the Ryan Choi build and stack dorans - which is actually really good. Stacking dorans blades means you're going for lane dominance. You could also split build a tiamat and brutilizer. Armour pen is a must on Rengar, so your final build should look like Boots, Hydra, Last Whisper, Yoummus, Black Cleaver, and whatever item you want for last.
All I play is Rengar Top and Bot. He can destroy early game and snowball. Build Hydra, Bloodthrister, Breserkers boots and finish with phantom and Infinity Edge. Beast build. 111 wins at level 22. I only play Rengar.
A word of caution, be careful around someone who can get good bush control, mainly post-6 Teemo because it can make things difficult if someone keeps you out of the bush
I like him top more than jungle, because it feels I can snowball harder on top. Must be because of the farm or the level 2 all-in, and then killing the opponent over and over.
The only issue is the match-ups. Rengar can lose to a lot od match-ups, if you dont super snowball early.
The hardest i found was Riven and Pantheon... holy **** they hurt.
For itens I always go glass canon, Tiamat > Last Whisper > Youmuus > Cleaver > IE > Triforce. Just when i am behind i build defense, randuins, banshees and ****...
If you're forced to itemize tankier, i'm sure replacing the last two options with defensive items like Randuin's Omen, Guardian Angel, or Sunfire Aegis wouldn't be a bad idea either.
I don't see why you'd ever play him top though. It's not that rengar's top laning is bad per se, but his jungling is so much better. You can really make the most out of Thrill of the Hunt when you're able to roam like a jungler would.
The only issue is the match-ups. Rengar can lose to a lot od match-ups, if you dont super snowball early.
The hardest i found was Riven and Pantheon... holy **** they hurt.
For itens I always go glass canon, Tiamat > Last Whisper > Youmuus > Cleaver > IE > Triforce. Just when i am behind i build defense, randuins, banshees and ****...
Some good items to build on him would be Ravenous Hydra, Youmuu's Ghostblade, Mobility Boots, Last Whisper, Mercurial Scimitar, and Infinity Edge. That kind of itemization is really effective at assassinating carries.
If you're forced to itemize tankier, i'm sure replacing the last two options with defensive items like Randuin's Omen, Guardian Angel, or Sunfire Aegis wouldn't be a bad idea either.
I don't see why you'd ever play him top though. It's not that rengar's top laning is bad per se, but his jungling is so much better. You can really make the most out of Thrill of the Hunt when you're able to roam like a jungler would.