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League of Legends (LoL) Question: The New Season

Posted in General 1,889

  • My Penta Dreams

    The New Season

    Along with the new season start I have already played my placement games and have received my ranking. Last Season I was placed in Silver IV and this season I was placed Bronze IV. I feel like I am a much better player than I was ranked but I can't really do anything about my ranking. So what are some tips for climbing the ladder back into silver and to my goal of gold by the end of the season. How should I approach climbing up the ladder this season?
  • Answers (3)

    FalseoGod (316) | January 24, 2016 4:02pm
    When your skill is only slightly above the skill of those around you, climbing becomes much harder than when it's considerably higher, because you can't always compensate for the skill of your 4 other team mates. However, since it's above, you'll still be able to climb through preserverence.

    My suggestion is that you look at your champ pool and consider which champs you have that have seriously good snowball/carry potential, champs that can help you stomp your lane help snowball or throw under the bus other enemy players. Never give up, don't lose your head over bickering or trolls.

    Also, try to consider what strengths you possess that your opposition lacks. In bronze, players in general have horrible map awareness + mechanics + objective control, so focus on what skills from these that you excel at and use them to your advantage (warding enemy jungle: enemy junglers will overextend with low hp a lot longer in bronze. Ganking/roaming a lot with champs that have good roam potential. Forcing your team to get towers/dragon/baron. Snowballing)
    utopus (313) | January 25, 2016 1:41pm
    You want to play champions that can generate a lot of map pressure for your team. Often times, your opponents in lower ELOs don't really know how to react to heavy map pressure and crumple like a piece of paper.
    Toxicarbon (5) | January 28, 2016 2:44pm
    I created a guide on the 5 PRO TIPS TO INCREASE YOUR RANKED RATING. Just click my signature line and it'll help you get there....

    Aside from that, don't be discouraged about being placed lower because Riot did this intentionally. Everyone essentially got demoted and now you can climb at a much faster pace. Get your ELO goggles on and get to it. You'll be able to gain 25+ each game you win so focus hard and win as many as you can. Good luck!
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