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League of Legends (LoL) Question: The thresh lantern

Posted in Champions | Tags: Thresh 4,329

  • JecKleGT

    The thresh lantern

    In league of legends. The champion thresh has a logo on his lantern in the bloodmoon thresh skin. What is this logo or symbol
  • Answers (2)

    CrazyYato | December 14, 2015 9:19am
    This symbol is also Chinese, and it is called SHOU. The October 14, 2008 ed. of the says β€œ . . .Shou, meaning longevity and prosperity, is a traditionally lucky Chinese character.

    It can be found on inscriptions of ancient bronze objects, royal seals, paintings, books, coins, chinaware and epigraphs, according to the dictionary's editor-in-chief, Wang Rongtai. "The earliest forms of the character date back to the Shang Dynasty (17th century-11th century BC)," Wang said.

    Shou is also widely used in modern decoration and art, including sculpture, calligraphy, seal cutting, miniature gardening and paper cutting.

    The shou character can be presented in numerous shapes, each one with their own meaning. For example, a round shou suggests complete and perfect life and health. . .”

    Blood Moon Thresh
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    The Symbol of the Lantern
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    Gabnx | March 21, 2015 12:59pm
    That logo looks like a chinese paper lantern
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