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League of Legends (LoL) Question: What do you think about hail of blades xayah?

Posted in Champions | Tags: Xayah 6,490

  • Niczock

    What do you think about hail of blades xayah?

    Is hail of blades better in early compared to lethal tempo?
  • Answers (3)

    Jhonygabriel | November 15, 2020 7:30am
    Hail of blades is better in lane phase, and Lethal is better in late game. I think Lethal tempo is better because you activate and extend the duration easily with Q and passive
    LostFishEU (2) | April 18, 2020 3:42am
    As a Vayne main i have been playing around Hail of Blades quite a bit and I kind of enjoy the early pressure it gives. I have also played Hail of Blades Ashe and it seems really good with stacking up your Q quicker. Now to Xayah, on paper Hail of Blades seems actually like a good idea, but i do think Lethal Tempo is better because you will throw out maybe 5+ feathers instead of just 3, therefore Lethal will be better, but I don't think it is that bad. You could play around with the idea a bit for sure
    Tauricus2017 (120) | April 5, 2020 12:54pm
    I personally don't think Hail of Blades is better then Lethal Tempo in any way. Lethal Tempo can last a lot longer then just 3 autos, sometimes does not even have the 0.5 second delay before activating because you can activate it from a far with Double Daggers, it provides a lot better tree of runes and can provide a lot more DPS.
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