what item will make nocturne a killer in early games, top lane not a jungle
Asked by awtssu30 on January 5, 2014
Every time I play a jungler champions I always die so I always make any jungler to stay in lanes just like nocturne but what item should I build in nocturne to make him excel in lane and kill enemies
If I were to play Nocturne top or something I'd probably get Ravenous Hydra, and then Youmuu's Ghostblade, Statikk Shiv or Blade of the Ruined King. Not quite sure which one since I haven't tried each of them in lane. I've done hydra->ghostblade though and it seemed pretty strong. It's nearly impossible to escape a ghostblade nocturne and he pushes towers super fast. You can get Last Whisper third and that'll be all the damage you need for the whole game.
Another option would be Trinity Force. Expensive as hell but it's a great item on him. If you're going for a more tanky build you could try triforce. I wouldn't bother with it if you're going lots of damage because it doesn't scale well with other offensive items.
Build order should be something like;
hydra+blade+merc boots than 3 defensive item for example : randuin,sunfire,spirit visage
Win lane and go lvl 6 mid or bot for some free kills because they dont expect a high dmg nocturn at their lane