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League of Legends (LoL) Question: What's the difference between a guide and a build?

Posted in General 1,814

  • NaCLBait

    What's the difference between a guide and a build?

    So I created a Sion guide a while back. Had an item build, runes and some general information in the chapters. I revamped it today to include more builds, more runes as well as adding threats. Something I noticed when looking at the Sion page is that things are separated between guides and builds, what is the difference and what is necessary for something to qualify as a guide?
  • Answers (2)

    Fruxo (334) | May 22, 2020 1:16am
    A Build is exactly what it says. It's a guide only consisting of the build such as items, runes, abilities and such which is called the cheat sheet (the first thing you see in a guide).

    A Guide is pretty much also a build but they have additional chapters (what you see after the cheatsheet if you scroll further down the guide). If you want your guide to reach the "Guide" tier, you'll need to reach 3,000 characters of body text in your chapters (which includes BBCode). This doesn't include sections like Threats/Synergies for example. Once you've reached that requirement, your guide will be sorted among the other guides.
    kiranezio (10) | May 21, 2020 9:03pm
    Hey @ NaCLBait
    So basically builds are nothing but items you buy and runes you use these two combine together as BUILDS.
    Guide is something where you tell about how to play about that champion and it explains in depth of the champions abilities, weakness, synergy, etc those stuffs like that.
    You explain how to play that particular champion in early, mid, and late game.
    Guide is where you talk about the items and builds you use and why you use them and explain how it is beneficial for that champion.
    And you also tell some advises to players who are new to the champion about how to play with them.
    A Guide is qualified when it has 2000+ characters in it and even more based on how depth you need to explain about the champion.
    This is the difference between build and guide.
    For further details please check "HELP" in the section where you create a new guide it explains pretty much what needs to be in the guide.
    I hope i have answered you question.
    If you find time try to look at the link given below its my guide on Miss Fortune.

    @ kiranezio
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