League of Legends (LoL) Question: Yi from behind....lol
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Master Yi
Answers (5)

farm and gank lanes that are ahead so you can get guaranteed kills or assists. Biggest mistake i see yi players make is they get behind then continue to try to gank the same lane they keep dying to. Just try to get your fed lanes more fed and try to limit the damage the other team's fed champ can do until you can take them down.

Don't take any fights, farm jungle camps and side lanes, and afk if you can't .

Don't take any fights, farm jungle camps and side lanes, and afk if you can't .

If the enemy team has early game champions and hard cc junglers, I usually take dark harvest and sorcery as secondary because if you want to win with yi then you will have to take it mid to late game especially if you fall behind. While you might lack attack speed at the start, you will still have enough damage once you have bloodrazor and blade of the ruined king in the bank. Not to mention the initial burst damage you can get from dark harvest as it isn't very difficult as master yi to get to the squishies if you are aware of how the CCs will be coming in from the enemy line up. Well that's my opinion anyway.

Yi is an interesting champion because he is reliant on snowballing. That is one of the reasons he is not usually played in higher elos. If you are behind on Yi, your only options are to farm or to assassinate. The safe option is to simply farm until you are ahead of the enemy again, or you can try to take out the weakest member of the enemy team. Try to find them alone, because you will certainly be killed if you are behind and get into a 2v1. As has been said, do not try to gank when you are behind. You are useless until you are ahead.
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