League of Legends (LoL) Question: Zilean, Time Master or something like that
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Zilean, Time Master or something like that
I've recently started using Zilean since he's free this week. My reason for doing so is that I've seen players say that Zilean is a terrible champ and I've actually googled about him and the results from what I've seen say that he sucks. . after playing him in a few matches I honestly can't find out what's so 'sucky' about him. .
I play him a support. . well . . kind of. The most I do is buy wards and try my best to not let the adc die. From how I;ve played him, in early levels you place a bomb on the minions that are in the back closest to the enemy champ, keeping them from coming in because they'll be afraid to take damage, leaving YOUR adc to get the minions. (At early levels like 1-4 your Q shouldn't deal that much damage to kill em . . yet). If The enemy ADC is getting too close you slow them down and place a bomb on them, or you speed up your champ and place a bomb on them or place a bomb on the enemy adc/his support.
I haven't fully experienced a lot of different match ups yet so I don't want to get too ahead of my self but the main question here is: "Why do players consider Zilean to be bad?"
Please I'd like some light to be shed on this because it confuses me :/.
Thanks for reading ^_^
I play him a support. . well . . kind of. The most I do is buy wards and try my best to not let the adc die. From how I;ve played him, in early levels you place a bomb on the minions that are in the back closest to the enemy champ, keeping them from coming in because they'll be afraid to take damage, leaving YOUR adc to get the minions. (At early levels like 1-4 your Q shouldn't deal that much damage to kill em . . yet). If The enemy ADC is getting too close you slow them down and place a bomb on them, or you speed up your champ and place a bomb on them or place a bomb on the enemy adc/his support.
I haven't fully experienced a lot of different match ups yet so I don't want to get too ahead of my self but the main question here is: "Why do players consider Zilean to be bad?"
Please I'd like some light to be shed on this because it confuses me :/.
Thanks for reading ^_^
As a support, Zilean is a champion filled with utility but goes without damage. He doesn't do anything as a support besides being a walking Guardian Angel. If you want a support who does the same:
He's definitely OP on paper but his laning phase does suck for the reasons you highlighted. He's a god in Dominion and ARAM but can't survive SR.
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