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Yet, these are some shiny things that attract my attention here:
Sona: I don't see why she would be better than Thresh, Seraphine, Lulu, Morgana, Soraka, etc. Janna is surely op after the changes and I personally like the Q travel time speed the most. One of the people I often play with is main Janna and her winrate has significantly increased since her changes. I don't see why Sona be that high considering she doesn't even have much CC, Mobility nor Tankiness compared to other sups. She does a little of everything and she's perfect at none.
Renata Glasc: Her Ultimate has a really slow travel time that makes it so easy to predict and dodge. Even if you get hit by it, the duration is just so low, especially at low levels. Plus, if you pick it into teams without high Physical damage, the ultimate is pretty useless. Her revive can be OP, but same as Sona, I don't think she's bad I just think she doesn't deserve to be above the other sups by that margin.
Dr. Mundo: I don't have much to say about him. He's pretty simple at what he does I just think he doesn't deserve to be that high considering that all he has as CC is the Q's slow and getting anti-heal cripples him.
Hecarim: He's been op in the jungle for a while now and I think he deserves a tier promotion. BUT, he's getting a nerf in 3d which might affect at the very least, his pick rate.
Samira: I just always see her as OP. The other day we were losing and our Samira who has lost the lane so badly against Aphelios, Casually 1v5 the enemy team while we were dead, Took the nexus towers and won the game. Antiheal? it's nothing against a fed Samira.
Aphelios: He scales very well to the late game. I personally think the Lethality on his passive is the most OP out of the 3. He's getting a nerf in the next patch though :D
Rengar: he surely deserves being higher. Even without the changes, he's getting for the next patch (which are all buffs), he still deserves it.
C tier: maybe delete this tier and move everyone up? Udyr and Shyvana are meh but the other 4 especially LeBlanc and Ryze being at the bottom of this ocean? doesn't make any sense.
This is the longest comment I've ever written, technically, Mobafire could categorize it as a guide (since the minimum is 2500 characters :D)
seems like I'm so bored, rip.