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E-girls' champions Patch 10.23

paokgr's Tier List paokgr's Tier List
Last updated on November 23, 2020
33154 21
20 Votes


This tier-list is just for fun. I don't want to insult no one.

these champions will pick if not all the time most

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also high PICK-RATE

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they may pick these

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Lavi Sorrow (2) | September 8, 2022 3:52am
Haha that's funny but I think Yuumi should be numer 1 and nobody even close to her. It's main champion for like 50% of e-girls xd
SaltCat (19) | November 27, 2020 12:26am
Ok very accurate, usually e girls wont pick evelynn, she is played mostly by boys..... Evelynn is one of my mains ;D, lulu is should go up a tier she is picked too often to pass also one question, εισαι γυπας και εκανες το tier list? ahahah <3
paokgr (23) | November 27, 2020 4:28am
απλα ηθελα να κανω ενα tier list που να μην πρεπει να σκευτω ποιος μπανει που και τετοια και να το δουν πολοι. :D και για την εβε με ειχε πει αλλος και απλα την εβαλα. Μην ανησυχεις επειδη η εβε ειναι το μαιν σου καποιοι μαιναρουν γιουμι
Phoenizxxx (1) | November 26, 2020 1:53pm
I am a Qiyana main... and my champ is not on thy Tier List
paokgr (23) | November 27, 2020 12:16am
I know that she is not. To be a champion in this tier list it must be played more thank one girl, because as you can imagine all the champions would exist here. And the only time I heard that a girl is playing qiyana is now, you.
Kickster (3) | November 23, 2020 12:41pm
Very accurate. Maybe Senna (as supp) could be ay tier 3, uh?
paokgr (23) | November 24, 2020 12:03am
To be honest I have never seen a girl playing Senna.
TheInkKingLoL (43) | November 23, 2020 8:49am
I definitely agree with most of these picks from what I've seen, however the other day I met an e-girl (definitely not a weird interaction considering we didn't actually know each other) and she mains Evelynn so maybe add that to the tier list?
Nice job on the tier list!
paokgr (23) | November 23, 2020 10:08am
I am happy that you enjoyed this. Sure Evelynn can be something that may be played from girls.
Have a nice day!
Wraithix (1) | October 20, 2020 1:40am
Today I learned that I am a e-girl. Dont know how I feel about it :/
paokgr (23) | October 20, 2020 7:07am
:") what are you playing? xd
Wraithix (1) | October 21, 2020 11:34pm
When I play support if braum is banned or bad for our teamcomp I play sona or nami :x
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Doody_tco (26) | October 16, 2020 10:43pm
As an E-girl, I started first with Miss Fortune, while playing one of the games Yuumi was my support and she was interesting so she was my main support until I got to Sona... I got Janna because my friend suggested her and said she is an easy champion and I shouldn't start with MF but I still hate her as much as I hate Lux (except that I can kill with Lux which gives me ADC vibes xD)
paokgr (23) | October 17, 2020 5:13am
Hey there,
thank you for commenting. I should put miss furtune I forgot about her. Also, I think you should play whatever you like. At the end of the day, it's a video game for fun, even if they have miss this part XD.
yicongCOD | October 5, 2020 10:08am
Samira Qiyana Akali are all E girl champions that I consider good because they aren't control mages
paokgr (23) | October 6, 2020 7:13am
Well, I sometimes watch videos with the best moments from different streamers. I never watched a girl streamer play the champions above you said. The tier list is what the girls are playing and not what is the champion (girl or boy)(and I have never seen girls play a boy character except from one time, that's why I haven't put boy characters).
Ellie_cherry (1) | October 3, 2020 3:16pm
This is true but you forgot xayah
paokgr (23) | October 4, 2020 6:30am
Well, I don't know if they (E-girls) play Xayah enough so I can put her in this tier-list.
Ellie_cherry (1) | October 7, 2020 10:04am
ugh this hoe i knew played xayah rakan with her boyfriend every game, and she was my support on our clash team. she picked yuumi and just had 0 impact and we lost :)
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