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Hardest LoL Champions 12/14/2020 Patch 10.25

lennoxstrb's Tier List lennoxstrb's Tier List
Last updated on December 14, 2020
3716 4
4 Votes
New Tier List

s+ - hardest champs to master



S - hard champs

Tier Description

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EvoNinja7 (18) | December 31, 2020 1:36am
Slow down man, Its great and all but talon is not that hard, Tristana is a REALLy easy adc to play (litteraly just max e and you have everything you need). Is ez that hard, because if you can get his skillshots right, you don't really have any problems.
proxarius (1) | December 24, 2020 1:02am
ive played a decent amount of aatrox and sylas and just wanted to say they are pretty simple. Aatrox is just about positioning your q and kiting while sylas u just need to know what ults do and time ur w but they are not hard to play since all their abilities are really straight forward
GeG_ (1) | December 17, 2020 1:03am
ivern, lillia and shaco are def not easier than sylas, aatrox or anivia
SaltCat (19) | December 15, 2020 11:40pm
I disagree with a lot of picks, why is veigar even in a skill tier list first of all? Haha so here are my opinions:
Vladimir- just remove him he needs no skill
Camille should go to the S+ tier no doubt
Akali should go up a tier
Katarina should also go up a tier
Talon and Zed should drop down
Vayne also
Ryze too and TF because he just needs macro not skill
Orianna why is even there she is a begginer champion
Yone has the same skill needs as yasuo why is he lower?
Urgot needs no skill same olaf
Thresh should go down a tier she needs some skill but not so much
Draven is the same thing as vayne or lucian
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