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Luka Bosnjak's Tier List Luka Bosnjak's Tier List
Last updated on April 16, 2020
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Best junglers to main for every type of game style, from easier ones to hardest to master. I advise you to play the easiest champs if you are a low elo player (bronze,silver,gold) mediocre ones (platinum,diamond) and of course most skillbased champions for above diamonds. Even if you think you are playing one "harder" champ very good, it doesn't mean you should play it anyway because that champ can be inefficient if not played to his full potential or easily he just doesn't fit in elo you are where he has mayor weak sides (etc. bad late game).

jUNGLERS that like to gank nonstop

These are kinda champs that can win you lots of games if you execute ganks properly, but also lose you even more because of games that last for too lang and make your champion utterly useles and unplayable. (You should start from Warwick, Xin Zhao, Volibear, Jarvan IV, Vi, they can get you to Platinum atleast, if you learn them, they are very easy champions with simple combos you should put a bit time into to,and learn them, also you should avoid playing other champions on this list if you are below platinum, and even below Diamond2.


Junglers that want to farm, scale, and play of the

So these are champions that may have a weaker early game, but can power farm (farm their entire jungle) very good and carry games in later stages. You should play this champions if u like to farm and play of your powerspikes, like Nocturne lvl6, Master Yi's Rageblade or Zac's Spirit Visage. With these champs you should avoid ganking beofre 6, and once you hit lvl6 gank with your ultimate up, and power farm when your ultimate ability is on cooldown (Amumu, Yi, Wukong, Shyvana and Nocturne ganks are pretty bad without ultimates and you should seek to farm when your R is not up). You should avoid playing last 5 champions on this list  before mastering atleast 3 champs before them.


Junglers that can both farm and gank very good at

These are kind of junglers that can either look to gank at level 3 or keep farming, they can both farm and gank pretty well and also scale ok. Yes Morgana is there, and pls dont play and Nidalee if u below Diamond2 cuz she is the hardest jungle champion to master and she takes a lot of practice to play properly in every situation.


Situational champions (mainly tanks) that rely hea

Pick Rammus if they have 3 or more heavy ad champs, pick Trundle if they have 1 or more high resistance tank champion, I advise you not to pick Seujani because she is heavily reliant on your ultimate and has a pretty awfull pre 6 game, Skarner is not a good option, only good if u play against assasins like Kha or heavy diving champions.

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