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Mastery Tracker Patch 14.7

kmnsho's Tier List kmnsho's Tier List
Last updated on April 4, 2024
2147 1
0 Votes
New Tier List

Mastery 7

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Mastery 6

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Mastery 5

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Mastery 4

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mastery 3

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BradJr (33) | November 13, 2022 1:21am
Hello! I know that this tier-list is only really for personal use, but I would like to suggest some champions you could try out:
- Kai'Sa is a really aggressive AD Carry. Based on your other 6-7 mastery champions. She is a great pick, as she is also a female AD Carry, as you seem to like those (not trying to generalise)
- Qiyana is also probably a good jungle pick. I'm assuming that jungle is your offrole, as Vi and Talon are the highest champions that are not adcs. Qiyana is not the greatest jungler, but I think you can make her work

Let me know what you think!
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