Currently we are in an Engage CC support meta. Mages are weak right now. Enchanters are good but are bad against engage supports. In general Tanks are where you want to be support wise. Rushing gargoyle stoneplate is common as well.
When choosing a support, think about what your team needs. Usually they need tanks and they need cc. Everyone is solo que wants to play damage and mobility champs. So choose a support that compliments that mentality. Your KDA might suffer because you will die, but landing a good stun in a teamfight can make a huge difference. If you go greedy for a mage support, you are just saying that your teammates can't do their job. This isn't the right perspective. If you really want to climb look at what all the tier 1 champions do, they catch people, and are resilient so they have an easier time warding.
The Meta Supports
Anti-meta or strong
Good vs the Meta or strong in general
These champs are either bad in the Meta or there are always better picks. They might rise in the future depending on changes. Mages in particular are just too squishy and engage really wrecks them right now.
Troll picks
Picking these are a waste of time and you will have a hard time climbing. They might be fun in normal games though.
Anything else
These champs either need lots of gold to be effective or just don't have the range, CC, or dmg etc. to be good enough. Insert any champ not listed here.
this is quite a cool tier list! Especially because it seems so complete. Well done!
I think, you should move
Anyway, this is such a great tier list. Keep going. :]
Cheers, Wicked Cherry.