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The best of bot lane for 11.24 Patch 11.24

Deathbat1's Tier List Deathbat1's Tier List
Last updated on December 13, 2021
2616 4
0 Votes
New Tier List


This is my tierlist of the best supports and adcs from my personal experience as a support player. To break this down I will be going over which positions(ADC/APC and support) these people should be played, how good I think they are at the moment and a bit of other information as needed.

Not enough information

Tier Description


God Tier

Tier Description


Really good

Tier Description



Tier Description


Not the best

Tier Description


Shit tier

Tier Description


Yuumi and Seraphine

Need I say more of these champs

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Karinutsa (106) | December 20, 2021 3:34am
Actually Quinn and Naut make a nice bot duo. A good Kalista wins, same goes for Kai'sa. I would move these 3 champs up at least 1 tier.
Deathbat1 (1) | December 20, 2021 5:47pm
Quinn is just in general is really bad in the bot lane so much that she relies on a specific pick(naut) to even do good. From what my bronze eyes have seen is that quinn is really non-existent in the bot lane. Kalista literally does not exist as a champ anymore in low elo especially, and Kai'sa is dog **** in the current meta. every time I see one as the enemy adc, me and my adc stomp that game
Karinutsa (106) | December 21, 2021 2:43am
Just because players do not pick these champs, it does not mean they are not good.
You need to decide if this tier list is about the elos (so objective) or if it is about your experience (subjective). I think you tend to mix these up and maybe that is why it got me confused... :o3
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