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The Detailed Champion Difficulty Tier List! [12.10] Patch 12.10

Asternova's Tier List Asternova's Tier List
Last updated on May 26, 2022
3464 2
2 Votes
New Tier List


Hi!! So, as the title suggests, this is my champion difficulty tier list! These aren't set in stone and are mostly based on my personal opinion, but i tired to be as objective as possible. ^^ (More descriptions soon!)

These are the basis i used to rank every champion:
-How easy/difficult is their kit to understand?
-How easy/difficult are they to pick up?
-How easy/difficult are they to master?
-Current balance state (i.e. if a champion is weak or overpowered in the current patch) isn't taken into consideration.

(Quick note: Just because a champion is easier by my tier list or any other, doesn't mean they're inferior in any way! To each their own, and have fun the way you most see fit!)
Got any opinions or something you 'd change that you want to share? Please let me know in the comments and i'll be sure to reply in no time!

~HARDest mode champions~

Hardest champions to play in the game, a lot of time and practice should be invested if one wishes to master them


~HARD champions~

These champions take a bit more effort the usual to be played to their full potential


~AVERAGE champions~

Average difficulty, neither too hard nor too easy to play


~EASIER champions~

These champions might take a bit less effort than usual to learn


~easiest champions~

Easiest champions in the game to play and/or master, recommended for beginners!

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SELORONIOS (119) | May 31, 2022 12:29pm
well, I personally wouldn't suggest playing Karthus to anyone new. He's got a good JG clear but a newbie would just drop dead at the chicken pit.
I'd say Nocturne is much easier in comparison. Straightforward mechanics :).

Overall, good job on the tier list :D
Asternova (7) | May 31, 2022 6:51pm
Hi! Thanks for the feedback. You've brought good points! My reasoning for Karthus being in his position, besides his AoE clear, is for his map pressure and how he can always provide to his team with his ultimate.
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