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Top Tier List [10.10] Land of the Hidden Carry! Patch 10.11

ItsPaulygon's Tier List ItsPaulygon's Tier List
Last updated on June 7, 2020
4741 21
12 Votes


Welcome to my Top Lane tier list! (I will update this regularly every patch!)

In my tier list, I will show the best picks to take on the top lane for the current patch ranking from S (highest) to C (lowest)
You can check out my other tier lists on my profile about the other lanes as well!

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S Tier

Healthiest picks for the top lane, they are extremely good when played well and have low risk of losing lane.


A Tier

Really good picks for top, they can carry if snowballed properly. Still healthy solo queue picks.


B TIer

More skill based champions or ones that need to be utilized well to do good in game. Use when you can counter pick ones on the higher tiers or if you're confident with these picks.


C Tier

I don't really recommend these either because they don't fit with a lot of team comps, or if they are not healthy for the top lane meta champions, or if they're not a steady/healthy pick for solo queue. Doesn't mean they can still do good if played well.



If you are planning to troll but do something fun that can potentially do good in top, here are some picks.

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SELORONIOS (118) | May 17, 2020 4:51am
You forgot about Quinn. I dunno which tier she deserves to be in considering that sanguine blade got buffed recently. (I don't really like her. I main Kayle but I don't like other ranged top laners xD. And even when I kill her, she pops up pretty fast because of her speed...)
ItsPaulygon | May 17, 2020 5:10am
Oh my I forgot adding her in the top tier list my bad. She is in the B tier, only because she is ranged, and the current best top laners has to be consistent with either being tanky, providing cc, or being able to contribute a lot in teamfights, or being able to splitpush really well. Quinn is more of a Assassin, which is healthy in low elo where people don't know how to react to Assassin's that much. Though, in high elo, she will get fairly punished and camped because she doesn't have a reliable gap closer to escape a gank. She only has a blind and a vault kick to the enemy. Mobile junglers mixed with a top laner than can provide CC, will punish her easily.
SELORONIOS (118) | May 17, 2020 5:20am
Thank you for explanation.
Steve57 (7) | May 14, 2020 3:20am
Yasuo is very weak on top, gnar is not really in meta I wouldnt take them as A
ItsPaulygon | May 14, 2020 9:54pm
Noted! :)
lemonbellflower (22) | May 10, 2020 12:27pm
Man, if Kayle didn't have such a difficult time up until level 6, I think she could totally make top tier on this one. She's a damn good champion and can really make the enemy team hurt if they don't keep her on the ground. And Darius and Garen are just annoying, they absolutely belong where they do. I think Garen is like, League's poster child for top lane. (I would like to change that, frankly.)

I'm curious why you didn't put Wukong up at the top with everyone else? He's just as annoying, if not more, since he seems to have the Never Die Cheat turned on, you'll have him pinned and then BOOM he's ten feet away with half health and now he's after you.
ItsPaulygon | May 10, 2020 4:55pm
True about Kayle, I like her kit and carry mechanic especially after level 16 hits when she has a lot of items. But, of course, games especially in high elo won't last long. But yep. Well, Wukong on the other hand, the reason why he isn't on the top tier is because of the recent nerf. And, wukong doesn't do that well on other tanky matchups in the top lane when it comes to CC heavy tanks or High Damage Bruisers like Ornn, and Darius. He can easily be destroyed especially if the enemy has knowledge on how to deal with Wukong.
EvoNinja7 (18) | May 9, 2020 3:30am
Wait, tryndamere is so !uch better then this list shows, I was getting smashed by a mordkeiser, like 9 deaths and one kill. Then I started teamfights g and went up 10 kills and 9 assists.
ItsPaulygon | May 9, 2020 6:37pm
Tryndamere really relies on a snowball in the mid game. If tryndamere is unable to get items properly when reaching late game, well, he'll have a hard time. But, the reason why he isn't in a high tier, is because his kit can be really shut down with a lot of CC that a lot of champions nowadays provide. It's kind of like Master Yi, if they can get locked down, then they can be useless in the late game. But, without the mechanism of CC, Master Yi and Tryndamere would both easily be at the top of the meta.
EvoNinja7 (18) | May 10, 2020 3:03am
Good point, i understand now, thanks!
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FuzzyFuz (1) | May 8, 2020 8:52am
Akali top is getting quite popular, especially now that no one plays her mid, were would you place her in you tier list
ItsPaulygon | May 8, 2020 7:05pm
With all the nerfs and the current champion pool mostly used in the top lane, I would say she is in the middle of A or B tier.
kiranezio (10) | May 8, 2020 7:57am
i think you are wrong about Lucian, he can carry alone he is so dependent on the team, if the team plays okay he can carry. With him it is so hard to kill the tanks. He can be easily picked in team fights because of his shorter range. You may think im wrong, but i main Lucian, i tried every single runes lanes and even items with ability power. Ill be soon making a guide about him do check it in the near future. If im wrong please give me reason
ItsPaulygon | May 8, 2020 7:05pm
The reason why he is in the A Tier because he is a very powerful pick in top, but, he is an ADC. With the meta favoring tanks in the top lane, taking Lucian in the top lane while the rest of your team is squishy can be very risky. He is a strong pick, but the fact that he is an ADC is why he is in the A tier.
kiranezio (10) | May 8, 2020 8:49pm
Lucian is not a strong adc. He is weak even ompared to other adc champions.
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Steve57 (7) | May 8, 2020 5:53am
I like it, but I donĀ“t think that gnar, kled and aatrox are S
ItsPaulygon | May 8, 2020 6:45am
Gnar and Aatrox I can see lower, but Kled is just too much of a power house. I'll look into that.
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