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It's time for the 2025 Season 1 Guide Contest! Create or update guides during the following 6 weeks to compete for the $3,750 prize pool. 🏆
Awesome Pwnage1's avatar

Awesome Pwnage1

Rank: User
Rep: Notable (8)
Status: Offline
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Summoner Info

Vladimir, Ezreal, Karthus
Melee DPS, Caster DPS, Tank


I'm just one player who definitely enjoys the game whole-heartedly. After EA bought World of Warcraft, I needed another game to rot my brain so, I picked up on League of Legends and I have never played a game more heavily. I like the game a lot; I like its mechanics, gameplay, and strategy. These are the things that Riot gives out that I play for. I also like making builds because the builds can really enhance the game for many people and I find that important. I like making builds to make my life and other's lives easier. Check out my builds!!!

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide