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Posted a Comment: May 3rd, 2012
"Definitely a +1 from me. I am rather impressed with the quality of this starter guide. Most people who make a new guide do not have it look this appealing. Your early,mid, and late game sections could use some spicing up though. You also might want to consider adding a section on your items and not "
Posted a Comment: May 3rd, 2012
"@ III Craz III
Thank you for the vote!
@ Agoney
THank you for letting me know about the error it has been corrected.
@ Coldmischief
Same as above thank you again :P"
Posted a Comment: May 2nd, 2012
First off Wukong does not need to be fed to benefit from Trinity Force early game. For starters this guide gets a Sheen. There you go first part of Trinity Force built. Then you get Phage. Extra health and AD with a nice slow. (DO NOT SAY IT IS A RED BUFF SLOW BEC"
Posted a Comment: May 2nd, 2012
"Hey just coming around to see how your guide is making out. I am glad it is getting some good attention and is number 2!
However Xaioli raises some good points above me. A firend of mine is boss with Lee Sin and he starts off the jungle with Boots of Speed and 3 Health Potions . He al"