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BloBBloB99's Mobafire Blog

06 Jun
After browsing both YouTube and Google for a while I thought I should do this.
As the general community of LoL most likely would like to Improve theirselves, I thought it could be a great idea to make a list for all (or at least a big percent) of all tips & tricks for this very game. (Both things that involves your mental, that gbay99 talks about, and general things that will make you grow as a player.) Before I do so, I'd like to ask if:

* This is something interesting you'd like to have.

* There perhaps could be some kind humans to PM me links of things they think i should...
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20 Mar

Views: 832 Community Question #2

Hi again, MOBAfire.
Today we're going to discuss art. Who doesn't love a awesome piece of art that sits in your siggy? Well I sure like 'em. Off to question: Do you make art? Like really good art or do you just like to play around in Paint? Do you want to learn how? Or are you chill with your current skills? Answah meh nao!
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18 Mar
Sup dudes and girldudes.

So I recently played a Kayle game, were I originally thought I was going mid, but ended up top. I was up against Kha'Zix, and it went horrible. Two kills later he went away roaming. I kept on farming refusing to participate in fights. I looked at the scoreboard and I was then the most farmed player with a good level advantage aswell. So, I decided to join my friends again, who had lost around five fights by now, and we stomped em. I went from 0/2 to 8/2 in just a few fights. We completely turned the tables and won the game on 30 mins.

So my question to you, is...
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24 Aug

Views: 731 Some Questions

A: Is it possible to delete a archived guide?

B: If I unarchive a guide, will the guide pop up as new if it havent gotten any votes?
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18 Apr

Views: 1371 Waiting for Varus

I am really excited of the champion Varus. He really have all that's needed in his toolkit, and he dosen't look to bad either. Besides, he swore two times in the league judgment. When I look at his abilities, I (as always) felt he was OP. Then I realised he dosen't have a escape, so I guess he is acceptable.
Prototype + Archer + LoL = Varus

What's your thoughts?
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League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide