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Posted a Comment: Oct 8th, 2011
"I updated the guide.
I switched Glyph of Resilience for Glyph of Warding. I tested several games and I realized it worths it when I ganked middle or even when I needed to hold lanes for my partners.
I still miss a bit the extra 100 mana but the magic resistance really compensate.
Thanks for"
Posted a Comment: Sep 29th, 2011
"Très bon commentaire. Le guide n'est pas fini comme tu as pu le remarquer mais je m'attelle à le compléter jour après jour.
Ta remarque est très pertinente et je vais tenter différentes choses avec cette fameuse Nether Blade.
Je te remércie de ton vote !
A plus tard."
Posted a Comment: Sep 21st, 2011
"Thanks !
I was a bit worried about my English :p
Glyphs updated.
Keep on voting and posting, I'm really glad to see I can be helpful somehow !
I may write a guide about Talon and maybe Nocturne too, but it really takes time to do so, so I'm not sure when will they be released."
Posted a Comment: Aug 24th, 2011
"I won't downvote this but I think it would really needs more explainations.
Use icons, colors and headlines to make your guide looks better too.
Make a deeper analysis of Nocturne's gameplay. Players need to know why you play this way and not their way, what makes your playstyle better than th"