Views: 1423 Sorry for being MIA heres a long ass update
(this was originally posted to twitlonger so if some of the phrasing is off that is why). to answer questions, no i'm not bringing the tier list back yet, though I have plans to in the future.
I actually have no idea how many of my followers are even active anymore since it's been so long since I've been super active in the Challenger scene, but for those who do give a **** about me I thought it'd be nice to give an update, since historically I've been pretty terrible about doing them. This is going to be long as ****, so if you aren't interested in hearing all of it, just read the next... Read More
I actually have no idea how many of my followers are even active anymore since it's been so long since I've been super active in the Challenger scene, but for those who do give a **** about me I thought it'd be nice to give an update, since historically I've been pretty terrible about doing them. This is going to be long as ****, so if you aren't interested in hearing all of it, just read the next... Read More