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mastrer1000's avatar


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mastrer1000's Mobafire Blog - Tag: this

15 Oct

Views: 5145 this
tl,dr: There will be a feature called "team builder" on pbe soon. you pick a role before queing, so that there will be no fights in champ selects. it also takes you mmr on certain roles into account, so for example if you are a jungle main and want to learn adc then the system takes this into account.
i really love this. i will use the **** out of it.
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22 Aug
F*ck my life, i have to make annother blog just because i have 1000 posts. how great. I am so motivated that i could kill myself. and i forgot my reddit password( i obviously have not given them my e-mail, so i can't reset it), which makes my mood even better.

Damn, i think it would be better if i acted like i would be happy or something.

Ok, serious mode on.

Thank you guys for being an awesome boring community. as one can see by the number of my...

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