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Mintleaves's avatar


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Mintleaves's Mobafire Blog - Tag: Fiora

14 Aug

Views: 899 fiora

Dr. Mundo: Epic Rap Battle of League of Legeeeennndsss!!! Fiora! Versus! Master Yiiiiiiii!!!! Begin!

Master Yi: AD or AP, like no other, I meditate then tank everyone, then their brother. You think your faster than me with the touch of your Dash then your speed? I use my ulti to finish the kill, girl. I kill you so fast, it'll make your head whirl! When I use my E, I raise my AD, get more damage to increase to rampage, then legendary, is my next goal! I'm on a roll, no time to shut down me, pop my ulti to get away, to strong for some ELO sway. Im not here to play, I send noobs astray to...
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20 Jul
Dr. Mundo: Epic Rap Battles of Leage of Legends!!! Teemo! Versus! Blitzcraaaaaankkkkkkk! BEGIN!

Teemo: Super Teemo, im on duty, this hunk of junk is disgusting, patoie. I have 6 different skins i wont lie im just as fast as the next guy. Your a bad robot, worst than Optumis Prime, do you have a robo arm, stun shield? Its Panda Teemo time!

Blitzcrank: Fired up and ready to serve, if i was mad i would flip you the bird. You think you can rap? You poor little sap, i believe some may call you a rat? I have a arm that grabs, you have fluffy, fat skin and tiny little flabs, my robot arm...
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