Hello there this is Mint and I figured that you guys got bored og my Champion Spotlights so I brought some thing else to this blog now I'll hand the Mic over to Dr. Mundo.
Dr. Mundo: Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the Epic Rap Battles Of League Of Legends! Where we have Shaco versus Evelynn! Begin!
Evelynn: Hey! There you are just like the Joker without the scar. Think I'm fraid of a failed circus act? Draven got more class than you, He throws axes you throw daggers how ridiculous is that?
Shaco: Hey there girl, you blue in the face im the apocalyse that threw the human race. In... Read More
Dr. Mundo: Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the Epic Rap Battles Of League Of Legends! Where we have Shaco versus Evelynn! Begin!
Evelynn: Hey! There you are just like the Joker without the scar. Think I'm fraid of a failed circus act? Draven got more class than you, He throws axes you throw daggers how ridiculous is that?
Shaco: Hey there girl, you blue in the face im the apocalyse that threw the human race. In... Read More