Views: 1790 MyBloodisBlack Champions Review (Part one - This is the Beginning)
Greetings Fellow Summoners and Welcome to my very own review of some of the champions I have played as.
Please note this is my own personal review, some of the things I may say about certain champions may not be to everyone cup of tea and some may totally disagree with what is said but I write this merely from my very own experience playing League of Legend and not from the views of anyone else.
First review rightfully has to go to the first ever champion I played as, Soraka.
Now I understand that Soraka is like the basic of basics when it comments to Support champion however I find her somewhat endearing and actually surprisingly underrated in terms of her abilities... She may not seem it but I swear she can pack a punch if you build her correctly.
One thing I do love about Soraka is her Ultimate "Wish", I promise you this is one of the best support based Ultimate in League of Legends because a well timed Wish in a match can turn the tide of the battle in a matter of seconds - I do not need to tell you how many team fights have been won in a enemies bases simply because of Wish in my opinion.
Soraka is a worthy champion to begin with and she has something about her that can have to working with her beyond the sort of time frame you would normally work with one of the other 'recommended' champions.
MY OFFICIAL RATING: 8 (out of a possible 10)
To be honest the only reason I tried Ziggs to begin with was because a friend of mine was getting into League of Legends and he loved the look of Ziggs and knowing I had alot of the champions requested I try him and tell him what I thought.
Upon trying Ziggs I instantly fell in love with his style of attack, the simplicity of the bouncing bombs requiring very little aim but still causing damage was at the time a god send since I had struggled alot with getting my attacks off and my aim was pretty poor even at the best of time but with Ziggs it was so easy to pick off enemies and start getting gradual kills.
One of the wierdest things with Ziggs is he is actually a intriguing support as well, he has a great ability of keeping enemies at a distances whilst you pick off minions, his minefield causes slow and damage which allows a fast champion to pick off any weakened enemy champions and of course Satchel charge can get you to safety easily.
Now I know some of you will probably say Ziggs isn't really a support champion and in most cases you are right he isn't but I do request kindly to just try in a bot match once with someone like Cho Gath and since what you honestly think of the idea of a support Ziggs...the only thing i will say in its case is the first time I played a support role as Ziggs (with Cho Gath) myself and my teammate reached the enemy base in just under 7 minutes and had a good amount of kills from dominating the bot lane.
Ziggs is possibly one of the coolest designed champions in the game, his antics will make you laugh especially if you use Ctrl+1 to make him swallow his bomb and if you want easy champion to get pentakill with then I would say Ziggs and his "MEGA INFERNAL BOMB" has to be right up there on the list.
The latest champion to the collection, I decided to review him because its good to get a first impression of a champion out there and then in the future I may re-review him in a much more detailed way.
I do love Marksman champions in League of Legends and from what I have seen of Lucian he may very well be one of the best in the game so far, he is very easy to pick up and play with and despite what has been said about him, Lucian is actually more than capable of dealing with enemy champions without the need of crowd control to assist him.
Now I have only played twice as Lucian and they were in bot matches however I do get the feeling if you can master this guy, you could solo any lane you desired without much problems and you probably got a good chance of get a ton of kills and assists throughout the game if you play as him.
His best ability personally is "Piercing Light" because it does alot of damage and its constant as all the enemies you hit take the same amount of damage and then you can use the basic attack to finish them off pretty darn easily.
I would say if you are wondering whether to try Lucian out then I suggest doing so, ask a friend to borrow their account if you have to but seriously try him out - Personally I think he may be one of the best champions released this year.
Zyra, Zyra, Zyra what can you say about this plant women without sounding darn happy that you were given the chance to play as her as a champion because I don't believe it is possible.
Zyra is a absolute peach of a champion because she is just insanely powerful throughout the game with his crowd control abilities, Her seeds that serve three tasks and of course her passive is just pure evil against enemies who think they survived and then POP down they go whilst you laugh from the grave.
Zyra has allows been a great laugh to play as for me because I just love the idea of snaring opponents down and leading my teammates into a charge to take them down whilst all the time planning who my next snare will be so we can kill them too and also because I personally love her "Wildfire Zyra" skin because of its radiate beauty (sad I know).
Just like Lucian you get a feeling that with a good build and alot of practice that you could effectively dominate any lane you go down but the difference between her and Lucian unlike Lucian she can differ how she dominates the lane more than Lucian could and its because of that she get a good rating from me.
Get ready for one of the biggest shocks in the world of League of Legends....I hate Draven as a champion (GASP).
I am sorry but Draven isn't a good champion nor is he a fun champion because of one thing...Spinning Axe, yes i understand that this is a killer attack and does so much damage but the problem I have is that you start to lose focus on the battle because you become transfixed in catching them that you end up getting taken out by one of the other enemy champions.
The only redeeming feature I can find for Draven is of course his ultimate because I do love to troll complete "A-Holes" during games, watch them working hard to kill someone then send a well timed 'whirling death' to steal their kills and be like "HAH HAH" as they scream about being KS.
There isn't much more I can really say about Draven other than I am serious surprised Draven get bigged up so much nowadays when his brother, Darius is actually a far superior and much more awarding champion to play as.
Hope you enjoyed this Blog, if this comes across well with you the fans then I may do part two soon and if you would actually like me to review any other champions then please let me know.
until then thank you for reading and goodbye to you all :)
Please note this is my own personal review, some of the things I may say about certain champions may not be to everyone cup of tea and some may totally disagree with what is said but I write this merely from my very own experience playing League of Legend and not from the views of anyone else.
First review rightfully has to go to the first ever champion I played as, Soraka.
Now I understand that Soraka is like the basic of basics when it comments to Support champion however I find her somewhat endearing and actually surprisingly underrated in terms of her abilities... She may not seem it but I swear she can pack a punch if you build her correctly.
One thing I do love about Soraka is her Ultimate "Wish", I promise you this is one of the best support based Ultimate in League of Legends because a well timed Wish in a match can turn the tide of the battle in a matter of seconds - I do not need to tell you how many team fights have been won in a enemies bases simply because of Wish in my opinion.
Soraka is a worthy champion to begin with and she has something about her that can have to working with her beyond the sort of time frame you would normally work with one of the other 'recommended' champions.
MY OFFICIAL RATING: 8 (out of a possible 10)
To be honest the only reason I tried Ziggs to begin with was because a friend of mine was getting into League of Legends and he loved the look of Ziggs and knowing I had alot of the champions requested I try him and tell him what I thought.
Upon trying Ziggs I instantly fell in love with his style of attack, the simplicity of the bouncing bombs requiring very little aim but still causing damage was at the time a god send since I had struggled alot with getting my attacks off and my aim was pretty poor even at the best of time but with Ziggs it was so easy to pick off enemies and start getting gradual kills.
One of the wierdest things with Ziggs is he is actually a intriguing support as well, he has a great ability of keeping enemies at a distances whilst you pick off minions, his minefield causes slow and damage which allows a fast champion to pick off any weakened enemy champions and of course Satchel charge can get you to safety easily.
Now I know some of you will probably say Ziggs isn't really a support champion and in most cases you are right he isn't but I do request kindly to just try in a bot match once with someone like Cho Gath and since what you honestly think of the idea of a support Ziggs...the only thing i will say in its case is the first time I played a support role as Ziggs (with Cho Gath) myself and my teammate reached the enemy base in just under 7 minutes and had a good amount of kills from dominating the bot lane.
Ziggs is possibly one of the coolest designed champions in the game, his antics will make you laugh especially if you use Ctrl+1 to make him swallow his bomb and if you want easy champion to get pentakill with then I would say Ziggs and his "MEGA INFERNAL BOMB" has to be right up there on the list.
The latest champion to the collection, I decided to review him because its good to get a first impression of a champion out there and then in the future I may re-review him in a much more detailed way.
I do love Marksman champions in League of Legends and from what I have seen of Lucian he may very well be one of the best in the game so far, he is very easy to pick up and play with and despite what has been said about him, Lucian is actually more than capable of dealing with enemy champions without the need of crowd control to assist him.
Now I have only played twice as Lucian and they were in bot matches however I do get the feeling if you can master this guy, you could solo any lane you desired without much problems and you probably got a good chance of get a ton of kills and assists throughout the game if you play as him.
His best ability personally is "Piercing Light" because it does alot of damage and its constant as all the enemies you hit take the same amount of damage and then you can use the basic attack to finish them off pretty darn easily.
I would say if you are wondering whether to try Lucian out then I suggest doing so, ask a friend to borrow their account if you have to but seriously try him out - Personally I think he may be one of the best champions released this year.
Zyra, Zyra, Zyra what can you say about this plant women without sounding darn happy that you were given the chance to play as her as a champion because I don't believe it is possible.
Zyra is a absolute peach of a champion because she is just insanely powerful throughout the game with his crowd control abilities, Her seeds that serve three tasks and of course her passive is just pure evil against enemies who think they survived and then POP down they go whilst you laugh from the grave.
Zyra has allows been a great laugh to play as for me because I just love the idea of snaring opponents down and leading my teammates into a charge to take them down whilst all the time planning who my next snare will be so we can kill them too and also because I personally love her "Wildfire Zyra" skin because of its radiate beauty (sad I know).
Just like Lucian you get a feeling that with a good build and alot of practice that you could effectively dominate any lane you go down but the difference between her and Lucian unlike Lucian she can differ how she dominates the lane more than Lucian could and its because of that she get a good rating from me.
Get ready for one of the biggest shocks in the world of League of Legends....I hate Draven as a champion (GASP).
I am sorry but Draven isn't a good champion nor is he a fun champion because of one thing...Spinning Axe, yes i understand that this is a killer attack and does so much damage but the problem I have is that you start to lose focus on the battle because you become transfixed in catching them that you end up getting taken out by one of the other enemy champions.
The only redeeming feature I can find for Draven is of course his ultimate because I do love to troll complete "A-Holes" during games, watch them working hard to kill someone then send a well timed 'whirling death' to steal their kills and be like "HAH HAH" as they scream about being KS.
There isn't much more I can really say about Draven other than I am serious surprised Draven get bigged up so much nowadays when his brother, Darius is actually a far superior and much more awarding champion to play as.
Hope you enjoyed this Blog, if this comes across well with you the fans then I may do part two soon and if you would actually like me to review any other champions then please let me know.
until then thank you for reading and goodbye to you all :)
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